Di seguito sono segnalati i bug più noti vedi http://allenbrowne.com
Services packs fix known Bugs. To get the latest service pack for your version of Office, visit http://support.microsoft.com/sp or Office 2007 Service Pack 1.
New Bugs
* Bugs introduced by SP3 for Office 2003 Access 2003
* Database may be deleted on compact Access 2007 Link to hotfix.
* Converting to Access 2007: What's broken Access 2007
Engine-level Bugs
The flaws listed below remain unfixed for at least three versions of Access. You must know how to work around them, or they will bite you. Flaws marked "Sample" are demonstrated in AccessFlaws.zip (Access 2000, 125KB).
If you use queries, be aware!
These can all fail:
SELECT clause
DISTINCT predicate
FROM clause
WHERE clause
GROUP BY clause
ORDER BY clause
Some of these describe cases where Access fails or crashes.
Worse still, some give wrong answers, with no indication that the results are incorrect.
* Failures caused by Name Auto-Correct Access 2000 and later
* Incorrect Sorting (Decimal fields) Access 2000 on (partially fixed in 2007) Sample
* Records missed by SELECT query Access 2000 and later Sample
* Comparison gives wrong result All versions
* DISTINCT query handles Nulls inconsistently All versions
* Parameter of type Text is evaluated wrongly All versions
* Outer join queries fail on Yes/No fields All versions Demo
* Trailing spaces give inconsistent query results All versions
* Concatenated fields yield garbage in recordset All versions Demo
* Grouping by Memo field yields garbage Access 2000 and later Demo
* Outer join expressions retrieved wrongly All versions
Interface bugs
Cases where Access displays or handles data wrongly in forms and reports.
* Losing data when you close a form All versions Sample
* Incorrect filtering of forms and reports Access 95 - 2003 (fixed in 2007) 4 bugs, Samples
* Incorrect display of data Access 95 and later Sample
* Writing the wrong record - Bookmark bug Access 2 - 2003
* Conditional formatting flaws Access 2000 - 2003 Sample
* Records disappear when you sort them All versions Sample
Other bugs
Miscellaneous issues:
* Errors using multiple versions of Access under Vista or Windows 7
* Problem properties Access 2000 and later
* Known Problems With RunCommand — list maintained by Terry Wickenden
Converting Access versions
Issues you may encounter in changing version:
* Converting to Access 2007 - good and bad, configuration and compatibility, runtime and links
* Prevent Access 2007 users modifying existing databases Any MDB prior to Access 2007
* Converting from Access 97 to 2000 and later
* Converting from Access 1 or 2 to Access 95 or 97
Microsoft also has an Access 2.0 Converter for Access 2003.
Converting from the old xBase
If you have a background in the old dBase/Foxbase, you may appreciate:
* Data Types in Access
* What, no record numbers?
* Event Driven Programming
* Referential Integrity can't be that easy!
* Undelete Options
* Finding Duplicates in an imported DBF
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